ho hum

Jul 14, 2005 18:07

Hey...look, I'm updating again..wow! Twice in one week. Can you handle it??? lol Oh the insanity!!...ok ok, that was really stupid, but that's me.

Oh oh...exciting news though. Guess who got not one, not two, but THREE jobs yesterday!?!?! Yes yes, me!!! I ended up getting that job that I applied for in St.Louis, and though I am still telling them that I am interested, I'm not going to take it. I will probably be calling Pam tomorrow to let her down gently. I hate to though because she is so cool. Oh well, it has to be done. Then I got a job at this place called CCS, Center For Comprehensive Services. It's a place similar to Five Star. It seems pretty cool. Only $7/hr though..but I'll make due. Plus, I had another interview at a place in Herrin yesterday. It looks as though that job will be mine as well. I could actually pull off working both CCS and Independent Living in Herrin...though the CCS thing would only be part time. Since I'd be getting almost 40 hours in Herrin every week. They start you out at minimum wage..*sigh* bah! oh well. Oh and since I got a job I am going to go through with my bill consolidation so YAY! that means I'll have more money every month...so I can FINALLY start my savings account back up. And man I need to...the past month has shown me that you really need to have a little nest egg saved back for emergencies like this.

I start my training for CCS on Monday...it will be Monday-Friday 8-5. So at least I'll have a 40 hour work week!! YES! Then I have to start my in house training the next week. It will be Tuesday-Saturday 2-10. Though I am looking forward to working again, it's been kinda nice to have this time off to do nothing...well, I haven't really done nothing though. I've been working my butt off to find a job. Though I have had a lot of free time. I'll miss that, but it's better to be out in the world, contributing. :)

It's funny, now that I am updating this thing regularly, it seems as though no one else is. *laughs* interesting isn't it?

Nonetheless, I'd like to say thanks to you guys who've stuck by me through this hard time in my life. Not having a job really sucked ass and I know I was insanely crabby, but I was depressed and I didn't feel like I was worth anything. But you guys hung in there and I appreciate it with all of my heart. Sorry I was unbearble! :P

With that said, I think I'm gonna go...post ya later
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