Well, they got my biopsy results back and it's not cancer, the Dr made a mistake. I think it was so unprofessional of her to make that call without having the results in hand. I'm glad that those cells were caused by the trauma of the labor and not cancer though. I start classes tomorrow, and I'm so apprehensive/nervous that I could vomit :( I have a hard semester ahead of me coupled with having a baby to worry about and working on the weekends.....I guess I just have alot on my plate right now. I've been getting pretty frustrated with Nick lately too b/c it seems like whenever he is "watching" the baby all he seems to be doing is propping up his bottle in the carseat or swing and he never really holds him or does anything with him. I feel like any learning toys/activities Collin does is with me and me alone. I guess men are just different. It is so obvious that Collin wants to be picked up and Nick only does it as a last resort. That's a good bit of my frustration there. As for Collin, he has discovered his hands and can grab things he reaches for 1/4 of the time now :) It seems like they grow and change so fast. I can't believe he is almost 3 1/2 months old already! Anyways, I just wanted to vent a little before heading to bed. Work has been busy and this weekend was nothing but a headache. Later kiddies