Dec 24, 2006 00:38
First off Happy Holidays to everyone! I'm so exicted b/c this is Collin's first Christmas and it makes it that more special this year. Collin has been doing great! He is talking up a storm and I think he finally knows who his mommy a bad he will cry sometimes until I hold him when he is being held by someone else...oh well, he's my little boy and I love him :) Other than that, I got my results back and it's cervical cancer stage 0, so this Weds the 27th I'm having a procedure to remove the remainder of the tissue, and will have to have a pap every three months for the next two years to make sure everything is okay. The downside is if the cells return they want to perform a hysterectomy :( That's when I get a second opinion of course. I've been doing well with putting it out of mind though, I think Collin helps alot with that. Work has being good....long on the weekends, I'm so glad I'm off during the week. I go back to school starting Jan 9th...oh joy, or rapture! I've got a full semester, a baby, and a job. Not to mention a house and a Nicky to keep happy. Nobody said it would be easy, and I guess it just motivates me even more to get my RN. Well, I just wanted to do a quick update, I have to get up at 0545 for work, so I SHOULD have been in bed long ago, but you know how that goes ;p Alright kiddies, I'm off to bed. Happy Holidays and be safe!