Mar 28, 2005 20:25
Sooo, I'm back to school after my so-called Easter break. You would think that over a break I'd get to relax. Haha, no such thing happened during this break. Here we gooooo.
So.. Wednesday nite I came home. This was the most relaxing thing to happen over the past 5 days. That wasn't even relaxing b/c I had to take the train w/my bags and crap. Plus, it was POURING out which wasn't fun @ all. Wednesday nite tho I basically just hung out @ home and talked to people. Made plans for the upcoming days. My dad and I had decided since Easter would be at our house, that to help my mom out...we'd do the grocery and Costco shopping for her. alkdjfd
Thursday morning, my dad wakes me up to go to Stop and Shop. WTH?! He could have LEAST given me to 9:00. boo. Oh well, so we went and did that. I came home and was kinda bored. Plus, I was hungry and wanted REAL food. I saw Lorraine's away msg and decided that I'd be her escape out of the house :) So.. we chose to traverse across Somerset into North Brunswick and hit up Bennigans. Yummy food...just too much to finish in one sitting. haha. After our lunch I came home for a lil while before my hair appt. At 4:00 I went and got my hair did. Instead of brown w/blonde highlights, I now have red highlights. The awesome thing is...that everyone likes it so far... even better than the blonde. People tell me it's 'more me' and that 'I should have gone red a while ago.' Oh well, I'm just glad I did now. lol. Plus, to get the red color, we had to strip the blonde color and the other brown, so NOW I have my original hair color back w/red! YAY. I was so shocked when I first saw my hair b/c I hadn't seen my natural color in 5 years. wooot.
So.. Friday morning was Costco morning. My dad made me get up early to do that too. Luckily Costco doesn't open till 11:00 so we didn't have to leave until about 10:45. My dad was nice enough to let me drive @ least. The only thing is when ever I need to go in reverse whether it's pulling out of the driveway or a parking space..he always leans back in his seat and then his head blocks my line of vision on his side. He says he does it to double check that I'm not backing up when cars are coming 'cuz I'd be the first to get hit.' Damnit dad, I know how to drive...let me check on my own! lol. When we got to Costco I grabbed a cart and my dad practically RAN to the hams. He said they were oging like hotcakes. We got there..and there were sooooooooo many left. Idiot. Lol. Then he said he had to RUN to get a cheesecake...again...not necessary. In Costco he was running btwn people just to get to different aisles. I felt like we were in a movie. When he ran to get the cheesecake I started following w/the cart until about 8 people w/lil children and carts started coming towards me. There was clearly NO WAY that we would all fit in the aisle. My dad said I looked like a dear in headlights. All the woman just laughed @ me. All I could picture my dad was saying was 'turning around and save urself!!' So I did just that, I turned around and went to get string beans. Then my dad was walking really slow and I wanted to hurry up and check out since it's always so crowded and takes forever. So, I started hitting him in the ankles to speed him up. Then he would lunge forward like a lil bunny. haha It was fun for me! Driving home was fun too. Everytime I would go around a corner, he'd yell, '2 wheels you need @ least 3!!' lol.. ugh.
I got home from that trip and then Lee and I had previously planned on hitting up the mall. I met her @ the mall at 1:00 and that's when the shopping began! First we got food. I ate pepperoni on Good Friday. I'm going to HELL. (haha I can curse now!) Total.. I got, a pair of running pants and exercise bra for the gym, a cute jean skirt from Aeropostale, and 2 shirts from Express w/my gift card. Lee got a really cute dress for Easter! :) yaya! After I came home from the mall I just relaxed and etc. I was too tired to do anything. lol.
Saturday my mom woke me up @ 8:30 to go to the Amish market and Stop and Shop (again). She needed to get some meats and veggies/fruits from the Amish market and then she had the brilliant idea (sarcasm strongly implied) to have an Easter Egg hunt for all my lil cousins on Easter, so we had to get the plastic eggs and candy to fill them. wooot! NOT. We got home from that expedition about noon time. blah.. I was exhausted. So.. what did I do? NAPPED. Then Brittni called me and wanted to hang out and go out to dinner! YUMM. She chose to go to Old Man Raffertys in New Brunswick. I had a HUGE Tuna Sandwich w/chips. I was sooo full. We had soo much fun tho. I felt so bad for the waiter. He came to give us refills and as he was lifting his arm from putting down Britt's drink he lifted up her plate and all of her food shifted down and ALMOST fell on her lap. She instinctively gave him a dirty look, but honestly didn't mean it so we both felt really bad. Oh well.. he was cute :P haha.
I came home and had a msg about going to the diner w/Lizzy and Sarah adn of course I didn't wnat to turn down that opportunity! So.. around 10:00 we met @ the diner. Some good jokes were shared and BAD pictures taken. I found out cheesecake...isn't made out of cheese! :::loser::: I'm not releasing them to the public for my own sake. hehe. After we stuffed ourselves @ the diner we decided we wanted MORE to course the next best thing was to go to Taco Bell...and that is what we did. So.. we ate there until they kicked us out. So..we still wanted to hang out a lil so the Aquabus was our next destination of choice. So..we sat in there and talked...I think it was a very goood talk :) yaya. Finally around 11:45 we said our good-byes since we all knew Easter would be busy.
BTW..there is nothing better than coming home...driving ur own car (the power I fell) and seeing friends acting like nothing has changed and the last time you saw them was yesterday. I lurrrvvve you guys.
Easter Sunday...deserves it's own entry. That is next!! Stay tuned...(Gosh I'm a tool)