Feb 10, 2005 19:07
I feel like I am way older then I'm supposed to be. I turn 17 on Monday but I feel like I'm 40 years old. I want to enjoy my teenage years but it seems like everything that has happened in my life wont let me do that. I think to much about things and their consequences which prevents me from enjoying them in the first place. I wish I wasn't so scared of the future. I want everything to be like it was last February, when it was perfect. I always wish I could go back to the past, I wonder if I will ever wish to go back to right now? It doesn't seem like anything happening at this moment in my life is something I would want to experiance again, but who knows. Whatever happens happens. I think that is a good phrase to live by right now...Hopefully I can apply it to everything I'm experiancing. It would certainly make dealing with things so much easier. But I guess we aren't supposed to have things too easy, otherwise we would never turn into strong people. If thats the case, then in the long run I should be able to take anything that comes my way. Hopefully. I'm going to start enjoying the moment and enjoying life...I owe it to myself and to other people that just dont have that opportunity. =/
Heres to my first care-free weekend in a really long time. <3