Feb 25, 2004 11:49
1 MINUTE AGO: i couldn't stop yawning
1 DAY AGO: i was at work. bleghhh
1 WEEK AGO: i was in class...and still dying from all my sick stuff. =/
1 YEAR AGO: *checks old lj entry* hanging out with nikki everyday. diddy + five iron. oh man.
I HURT: all over. fuckxmyxhealth
I LOVE: let's not get started here.
I HATE: haha oh man, where do i begin!?!?!?!?!?
I FEAR: that they won't figure out what's wrong with me and i'll be a gross freak forever.
I HOPE: in hope...there's an answer <3
I FEEL: crappy
I HIDE: how i really feel til i eventually explode.
I DRIVE: samuel <333
I MISS: JEN!!!! andy! he's to busy for me:( TY!!! FREE TY! i dont miss many people...oh - nikki, after reading old lj's.*shrugs*
I LEARNED: that my anthro teacher is the shitttt. and that most people in my life suck/don't give half a fuck.
I KNOW: that i'm sicker than they're letting me know.
I WAIT: i suck at waiting, for anything. i just can't do it.
I NEED: to call my doctor(s)
I THINK: my tummy is grumbling cuz he's hungry. poor andy. i should feed him!
current clothes: pj's DUH
current mood: down d own d o wn d o w n =/
current music: some dutch band...(my friend is studying all over europe this semester, she keeps sending me good new music =] )
current taste: pills that leave a metal taste in your mouth =/
current hair: uh sleepy time hair...aka "whoa"
current annoyance: my health andddd my room is a mess <-- mine too rach /jen!
current smell: rain
current thing i should be doing: talking to my doctorrrrr
current desktop picture: i duno some black guy im sure. my sister is such a gangster.
current favorite bands/singers: lots.
current book: johnny got his gun. for like the 58th time in my life.
current movie in VCR: none
current refreshment: none. but now im thirsty
current worry: h e a l t h
current crush: haha. well that was over right when it started. thankyouverymuch. lol