Glitter Glitter Everywhere!

Jan 02, 2009 22:40

Tonight's episode of Stargate Atlantis was very CSI-ish. I'm curious about something though...

I'm assuming this is the McKay that we basically knew as Rod. That's correct, right? Cause when Rod was in 'our' dimension/universe it seemed like he knew Sheppard more personally than the relationship they have in this episode. Just wondering if anyone else thought about that?

And now that also means that the location of 'our' Earth might be known by 'our' Wraith. Yes? What a way to end the series! Only the finale left now!

Still have a Christmas entry to write along with the Countdown. I keep promising myself that I will get to that this weekend. I sure hope I do. My main reason for posting now, though, is...

yolandiel and audio-b0xer, I received your Christmas cards today! Yay! Thank you sooo much! I think I have glitter everywhere now. Haha. Such adorable work, Twinnie! Thank you, thank you, both of you! ♥

Now I think I shall watch an Arashi show and get some rest. I'm volunteering all day tomorrow. Whew! Hopefully, I won't be fangirling so much that I feel the need to post about it again like last night. lol I liked that AnS episode too much, it seems.

G'night now!

&thank yous, tv: stargate atlantis, friends: märta, friends: alfi

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