Nov 10, 2004 02:03
wow i dont even remeber whent hat last time i updated this thing was. i guess i've just been really busy with school.....i know, it's such an over used excuse, but it still works becasue its so true. chem is the devil.....jay, why didnt you warn me that i might fail? any volunteers for shooting me in the knee cap so that i can get out the final? in other news, i'm a little ticked off at mark right now. it's a long story but i just dont like when things aren't on an even playing field. oh well, i'm probably just freaking out because of things that have happened in the past. in good news i'll be home on the 25 for thanksgiving, it's going to be weird going home for a weekend during the school year, i dont know what i'm going to do with myself. well, yes i good food and more good food and see the family and mark and of course, HOMEWORK. story of my life. oh and i know i'll ention this a few million times more but i am just so excited about it but i'm going to be going to hawaii for a few days during spring break. cant wait to see the hpu kids again. missing the cp's and full timers a lot lately, thinking about doing another program in a few semesters.......everybody should join me because its hella funu. oh no i said hella.....oh no i said it again. look waht nor cal has done to me. i need to get back in the 909 quick!!!!!!