Azn Music RulZ!!!!

Apr 23, 2020 18:02


Hello!  Hola!  Ni Hao!  Moshi Moshi!  Annyong-haseyo! there, i should cover most of the languages. XD   i usually go by the screen name swtaznbabie. Im chinese and know several chinese dialects. I LUV dramas and music, anything from Chinese to Japanese to Korean.  ^__________^  i could just go on and on and on about the different artists that i like, but that would be too time consuming. therefore, the music list above is most of singers that i like, i think.

i mainly joined Lj for the amount of kat-tun and je fandoms that existed. it would be much more convient if i also have an account. therefore, i joined. XD to be honest, when i just found communties like 
kattunlove and akame_, im just there for infos but soon i got myself addicted to fics. XD before i knew kat-tun, i thought they were kind of dumb. *shot* but i assure you, i no longer feel that way.  =] so if you wrote an akame fic, its more than likely that you would see my comments. =DD

you can probably tell by now, but my OTP is akame. XD and i am seriously an anti-kokame supporter. XD i like koki but kokame doesnt work. =______=;  but im pretty sad about the fact that some people actually created an anti-akame community. everyone has their own fandoms, there's no need to bash about things that you dont support right? *sigh*

I really don't see whats the point of setting my journal public. Im more than happy to talk about fangirling and fandoms so those post are the only ones that would be public. I don't feel so comfortable having random people reading what I had wrote about myself. ^________^
So add mee if you still feel like it. XD

credits to ryl92  for the akame banner. <3 
and luvs ♥ to kamepi_chan for my lovely akame header~!!!
and credits to allopatric for my akame gifs moods! ^______^  ♥

Edit: I have created a new LJ account since this one is under 18 years old. XD but I will still use this one, i think. It would be more convinient if i use the other one to read and comment any nc-17 fics. XD lol. anyways, my new lj is call swtazndork . XD so please dont be surprise if i switch between the two. XD 

music, about me

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