Mar 22, 2005 21:47
so i babysat today &&& the childeren were nearly little demons...i was this close to blowing up on one of the kids...3 boys & ten hours of hell...$60; this equation does not seem to balance out... > : O
needless-to-say, i was sooo happy to get home. i had a hearty dinner of pizza & ice cream...hah. ehh, & then i made up for it by following up w/ the awesome 8 minute abs & 8 minute arms tapes...woohoo. i tried on my prom dress...and i'm kinda scared..i in it! i dunno, it just looks weird.
our family members from minnesota are coming down this week (spring break) and i found out that we are unfortunately going to have a "family get together". i loathe family get togethers....down right HATE HATE HATE them. we're gonna all get together at...OUR HOUSE..(even worse) and have dinner. Saturday...sweet..? negative. i'm dreading it...
anyhow..i'm gonna go read or eat some corn. either way, i'll write laterrr.
p.s. i love The O.C. : ]