Mr. Bush

Mar 29, 2005 17:12

Mr. Bush what has America come to? I feel that you and your brother have every power in the world to save Terri Schiavo. America wages war on other countries, reform those countries and make laws, yet you tell me you have no power to intervene and save an innocent woman's life? Mr. Bush I mean no disrespect but that is beyond ridiculous. Michael Schiavo has another wife and children through common law marriage, why haven't bigamy charges been brought against him, after all this is America and isn't that against the law? Why haven't his rights been wavered? Where in the law does it say that once your spouse becomes disabled that you can commit adultery, isn't adultery against the law? Yes, it is a grounds for divorce.
If this were a trial it would have to be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that indeed Mrs. Schiavo stated she wanted to starve to death. She is living and breathing on her own not breathing through a tube, eating is something that everyone has to do in order to survive. Why are the courts and government simply taking this man's word when it has been stated several times that in the beginning he did not know what Terri wanted? There are also many other things the courts have failed to investigate such as medical records. Why has an MRI not been done?
Mr. Bush why do tax payers dollars go to keeping death row inmates fed for years and why is America paying to keep Hussein alive? Because we are America right, because we have laws against inhumane treatment and a little something called constitutional rights? I know that no death row inmate will die of starvation nor will Hussein, that would be wrong and inhumane. I could or anyone could be placed in jail for starving an animal, but yet a few judges are allowed to let a woman starve. What is America trying to say that Animals are worth more that it's own citizens?
Mr. Bush a man who has another wife and children while being married to his first wife is abusing his powers but he is still allowed to let Terri die. I say shame on the government, same on President Bush and shame on you Mr. Bush. You all are supposed to preserve the rights and liberties of the America people, you are supposed to protect the disabled, yet you are leaving her life in the hands of a monster. Don't worry Mr. Bush you won't be receiving my vote for president or any other governmental status, why should I vote for someone who will not preserve the life of an innocent disabled American woman, but will step in to protect others of another country who have killed so many Americans?
Mr. Bush this is not a matter of political status, this is the matter of human life. Are you and your superiors so obsessed with the political future that you would turn your backs on life? That you would look away from God and humanity, the very things this country was founded on? Mr. Bush this is a plea from many voices in Texas, make the move and save a life. Is life not more valuable than your salary and political status? Mr. Bush I would hope so. I would hope that America has chosen political figures that preserve and protect the life of Americans. After all right now we are in Iraq preserving their lives, why not preserve one of our own? At this very moment Terri is wasting away from a inhumane death decided by her supposed loving husband. Mr. Bush this is what the great people of Florida elected you to do as governor. Now it's your turn to give back and start doing your job.
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