Jan 04, 2004 22:54
I am about to get Carrie Bradshaw on everyone, so I am saying sorry in advance.
so I keep saying that I am waiting for a perfect time to tell him that I like him, but is there ever a truly perfect time? I sometimes feel like I am completely ready but then it never happens. It's like I am waiting for a part in one of our conversations that remotely resembles that part of a conversation to tell him. I can't just out of the blue say, oh and by the way I like you...or can I? is that wierd? Maybe not that blunt or exactly like that, but is it okay to say something in casual conversation or should I wait until something gets brought up?
So in other news, I went shopping today and exceeded my spending limits by about 100 dollars. Yeah, I definately but a dent in the bank account. 165 dollars later, a new pair of steve maddens, steve madden slippers, a purse and a ring my bank account is saying "ouch." Also, I have always known this but todays shopping was a good example that shopping does cure a girls mood. It's no like gentleman, if your girlfriend is ever in a bad or sad mood just ask if you can take her shopping, just make sure she doesn't spend all your money.
I decided after watching to much Sex In the City, that I want a boyfriend like Aden. One that will play hard to get at first, but then come to your window and throw pepples until you get up and open your window to tell you that he wants to be with you. Why can't it be that way in real life, why can't the guy you like just call you up and say how much he wants to be with you, without you even stressing about telling him or what you are going to say. I guess I can keep dreaming, maybe one day a guy will actually do that.