Title: Line 49
Pairing: Yulsic, Taeny, Hyoyoung, Yoonhyun, Sunsic
Rating: G - NC-17
Genre: Drama, romance, angst, high school AU
Summary: The struggle is different for everyone; we all take different measures to deal with our problems. Friendships are created and tossed upside down, love is found, love is lost, and trust is formed and betrayed as
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Her lips found their way back to Yoona's, and they sunk slowly down on the couch, forgetting about the rest of the world for the night.
YES YES YES YES!!!!!!! <333 My loyalist heart is skipping around in glee and singing while my mouth is singing the Frozen soundtrack, but anyways ^_^ I'd say that the kiss was my favorite part in this chapter, but their date and their banter and adorable Yoona and even MORE adorable Seohyun :,))))))))))))) So precious and perfect :D I was also excited because their remarks were kind of similar to conversations I've had with my crush lol XD
But ah, Seohyun, ever the wise maknae. You should always listen to her, Yoona. :D
Sooyoung's comments kind of killed me: Also, if you don’t call me tonight, I’m going to assume you got laid. Only a true best friend would say that...
This chapter was a wonderful balance of bitter and sweet... I'm sending Taeyeon virtual hugs and positive vibes because she can get through this... And I'll just leave Yoonhyun to their lovey dovey times :)
Love, love, love the chapter! Thanks for updating! :D
P.S. I can't shake the feeling that something will go wrong with sung min... Please no suicide >_
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