Aug 05, 2008 20:38
Okay, you know what? Aren't any of you useful?
My pay-per-view subscription for this shit ran out sometime last week and I still see it happening. I didn't want the bonus package.
And before any of you cry defense that I'm useless myself, take a hike. I'm just gonna sit on my ass and do nothing for the time being and like it.
I'm just wondering if any of you can possibly do better.
nuadoria get better gd cable,
baaaw i need a drink so bad,
entertain me bitches,
cry me a river,
current events,
don't get paid enough to deal with this,
vacation needs to stop sucking,
no reward's worth this,
you people are fucking crazy,
get off your fail!boat,
i want my f'in money back,
fuck you