yeah..... sorry...

Jun 03, 2004 14:33

Sorry about the HUGEMUNGO gap in my entries.... I guarantee that I'll have more...

ANYWAY in more recent news! Jenni- YOUR LIP VIRGINITY! haha. ANYWAY *again*

Yeah 1st hour exams were today. Boy am I hyper because thats over. I still cant beleive that schools gonna be over in like.... *counts on fingers* 5 days. GWAH! Tomorrow all I have is Science. Which I should be studying for right now.. hmmmmm. Will do after I'm dont with this stupid entry.

So that past week was nothing interesting. We put the sign up in our yard. Yes, we are officially going to move (if we get any offers that is). I honestly dont want to move, but I have no choice and we really do need a bigger house. 4 kids (making us 6 people). That gets a bit much for house that fits a family of 3 comfortably and a family of 4 semi-comfortably (if the basement was finished).

Memorial weekend me and my growing family went to Chicago to meet my dads friends and relatives to get our new Van. Sooooo we left Saturday morning, checked into the crappy hotel in the afternoon and went to my dads 2nd cousins house. Where I met my dads 2nds cousins brothers step daughter, whos in 7th grade. Basically 4th cousin. We basically talked all night and stuff. There were TONS of other kids there. Arabs do have alot of kids though. So we went back to the hotel and I realized I didnt have my pajamas! So I slept in jeans which isnt comfortable. Didnt get much sleep and the sleep I got was uncomfortable (did I mention the hotel sucked?). woke up the next morning, ate a bunch of buttered toast, and watched 3 lil kids. All cute, but people started to complain about them. The nerve of them. *Growl* So that day we went to Navy Peir!!! We walked around Chicago, I saw a bunch of wedding people taking a pic in the middle of the street, walked over this seperating bridge (where I thought I was going to fall off) and then rode the Trolley back to Navy Peir. We were supposed to go out to eat right after, but sadly because it was raining and crap we didnt get to til later. So we went to a Chinese Buffet. Great stuff cause they had my fave Vegetable Lo Mein!!!! WOOOO! I was in heaven and ate til I was a balloon. Went to the hotel and went to bed. (did mention that the hotel was crappy? oh and there were a bunch of creepy mexican guys there... scary man, scary.) So the next day we got ready to leave (I ate a bunch of buttered toast again) then we went to my dads 2nd cousins house AGAIn and ate AGAIN then we left at like 2-3 their time. We didnt get back til around 10:30-11:00 pm. Boy was I tired Tuesday and I felt miserable.... I think it musta been the food they gave me or the Chicken Whopper I got at like 10 at night.

Thats pretty much it... long entry, but its been a week. SO I HAVE AN EXCUSE!!!!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHA
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