Aug 07, 2011 20:42

Soooooooo Shura is freakishly good at identifying demons or possessed humans/sensing when they're in the area, an ability that appears to be more reliable the stronger said demon is. It seems to be a pretty standard ability in the AnE world, with stronger Exorcists being better at more reliably identifying demons! Because she holds the second-to-highest rank (not counting honorary titles), Shura generally knows when a demon is around/when someone is possessed. This doesn't mean she'll try to kill them (unless they're causing trouble) but she will probably be at least a little suspicious of them from then on.

Basically if your character is a demon or demon-like, comment here so we can work stuff out! Shura also doesn't have to know they're a demon- her senses aren't infallible, after all.

FOR REVERSE PINGS, Shura's sword is (as far as I know without it being explicitly stated) inhabited by the spirits of snake demons but it's used as a holy weapon- so those that are pinged by either are free to pick up on this! Beyond this (unless canon decides to tell me otherwise) Shura is 100% HUMAN.

game: adstringéndum, game: campfuckudie, ooc: pings

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