Bored. Might as well update.
Well, a few things have changed. I talked to my advisor at ICC the other day, and in order to be able to take Spanish and German at the same time (I don't think I'm going to do French), I have to major in foreign language instead of international business. So I'm going to make that my major and minor in international business, then when I get to Bradley or whatever four-year college, I'll either take one of the languages as an extra class that doesn't really count toward anything, or just double-major in both foreign language and IB. I'm rethinking Bradley because my French teacher said that its language program isn't all that great, and that there are better ones elsewhere, so I'm going to look around.
I've gotten opinions from people on the dilemma about German. Most people say that I should go ahead and learn the first-year stuff so I don't have to wait a whole year, which is what I think I'll be doing. Though, Madame said that I should take the last French class (211) for some reason I can't remember, and to put off German entirely until next fall, so I'd only be studying French and Spanish. Though, I think the last French class will be too easy and, in essence, a waste of money, so I probably won't do that. I guess there are individual tests to get out of taking the beginning French classes, so I'll be going up on four dates to test out of all four classes and (hopefully) still have it count as credit. Although it's been unintentional, I'm learning a lot in Spanish, so I may test out of the first class of that too. Who knows.
I'm still failing those three classes, but not by a lot, so it shouldn't be long before they're back up.
I just realized that I never explained what I was talking about in the post on the 7th. I'll clarify now, since that whole situation isn't going to happen anymore. My mom had been seeing this guy, Randy, since late summer, and they started to like each other a lot. They agreed to make it exclusive, meaning that they'd only be dating each other. Randy then invited her to move in with him because he was living by himself after his wife died (which he had gotten over by that time, by the way). She said she'd only do it if there were some kind of serious commitment like an engagement, so she was talking about marriage, even though it was just wishful hoping and not anything certain. I guess they worked something out there and she was to move in as soon as Christmas. If my brother hadn't found a place for himself by then, he would have moved in too. As for me, however... I would have stayed here. My mom was pushing me to get scholarships (and still is), but not for college: We've gotten a grant that will pay for most of my tuition and books, so I don't actually need scholarships; she wanted the money so I could take care of the house and such. She would still help out, of course, but she wanted to see how much I could get. She said that I could invite two people to come move in so I wouldn't be by myself, so I asked Derek and Andrea, and they both declined because of their own reasons.
Well, after staying at Randy's house a few times, and being left alone there for the majority of a day, my mom started having second thoughts. This guy literally lives out in the middle of nowhere: I have no idea what city it's in, but it's on the edge of a massive expanse of woods, a little bit of which he owns. She was willing to compromise, but she really didn't want to live in such an isolated place. She also wants to find a Catholic man, or at least someone of faith, and Randy had little to none. She was willing to compromise there too because she liked him so much, but after a few remarks and, today, a lengthy rant on how he doesn't believe in God and how he's done everything by himself, she decided to cut it off. Personally, I always thought the guy was a little weird, and I'm glad she ended things before she was forced to suffer later. So, needless to say, I won't be living here by myself in the near future. I would have enjoyed the freedom and such, but I guess a little more sheltered life before I'm off on my own won't hurt. Besides, it's not like I have bad relations with my mom like I did before. Though, I do hope that Steve finds a place soon. He really needs to get out of here. Not to come off as hateful, but he's 25. He shouldn't still be living with his mom.
I don't think I've mentioned that I'm doing a little work now. A lawncare guy, Danny, hired me to help him out on weekends. It isn't too hard; I just have to remember that, after working, if I sit around in gassy-smelling clothes for two hours, it will result in a massive headache. He seems to like me. At least, better than the previous teens who worked for him, who were apparently arrogant and disrespectful and such. He's got me at $8/hour, but since we only work 4-5 hours on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays, it's not a lot. I'm not complaining, though, since it's enough to get me Final Fantasy 12. =D I decided to buy it instead of GH2 because Derek and Brad both have GH2, so if I really want to play it, I can just call them. I've only played an hour into FF12 but it's good so far. The strategy guide is as big as a phone book, so I expect the game will last awhile.
Only 19 school days left. Wow. I thought about it the other day, and it seems like I've been at PCHS for a long time. Four years is a long time, of course, but I can barely remember my days at Edison. It's funny how I know every inch of the high school now, but I needed help finding my first hour class for a week freshman year. I knew almost no one my first year, and now I at least recognize almost everyone in my class. Most of them probably don't even know my name, though. Heh.
In other news, one month on Thursday. ♥ Which is, coincidentally, also Thanksgiving.
Step One: Make a post to your LJ. The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes; the wishes can be anything at all, from simple ("I want a fanfic!") to medium ("I want toys!") to really big. The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want.
If you wish for real life things (not fics or icons), make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or the MaccaBee, or your secret special friend) could get in touch with you. Also, make sure you post some version of these guidelines in your LJ so that the holiday joy will spread.
Step Two: Surf around your friendslist (or friendsfriends, or just random journals) to see who has posted their list. And now here's the important part: If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make someone's wish come true.
You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not; it's your call! There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. Just... wish, and it might come true. Give, and you might receive. And you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.
01.) German-English dictionary.*
01.) Spanish-English dictionary.*
"Reprise" French book from*
01.) "501 French Verbs" book.*
01.) Anything to do with French, Spanish or German that will help me learn.†
06.) Smarties. Lots. And lots. And lots. Of Smarties. (Smarties = my crack. They keep me going. Seriously, they're like 10/$1 at gas stations. You should all get me some.) EDIT: AND LOTS AND LOTS OF ATOMIC FIREBALLS. ATOMIC FIREBALLS = MOUTHGASM.
07.) A tour of ICC from one of you that goes there.
08.) A book of Sudoku puzzles. I need something to do when I'm dragged somewhere and am bored.
09.) Wii. (Getting me this = instant best friendship for life, infinite gratitude, and free sensual massages. Likelihood of me getting this = 0.0007%)
10.) My two front teeth. (Had to. And I can't think of anything else.)
* These are all of equal importance, and are also on my real Christmas list, so I don't know if my family will get them for me or not. The more the merrier, though, I guess?
† Also of equal importance, but not on my actual list.
Leave a comment if you want contact information.
And I need sleep. Buenas noches.