let the rambling begin!

Nov 28, 2006 17:41

*timidly steps into the realm of LJ*

Hello! It's Vicky here! Fair warning to all, I'm horrible at keeping up w/ journals, so dont worry if you dont hear from me with any sort of regularity! But I promise, I will honestly try!

Hmmm......what's been going on in Vickyland lately? Well, I'm currently about a month behind on studying for physics, and two months behind on Chemistry. While I am indeed the queen of procrastination, and this is part of the reason for being so behind, it isn't nearly all of it. I decided it wise (HA) to take chem, physics, and 2 honors classes all at the same time. Not so smart. Unfortunately, I'll be loading up on multiple sciences for the rest of my college life, trying to get prerequisites out of the way and earn my bachelor's degree here at UMSL so I can go on to a real school like Washington University for physical therapy, or Logan College for chiropractic. I will have no social life for a few years, to be sure. I'm thinking I may not be able to get my prereqs done in time with having to take honors classes too. I may end up having to leave the honors college, which means looking less good on paper and losing some scholarships, though I could stay in and just put life on hold for another year or two. I hate that idea. So for now, I'll just ride it out, I think and see if I can't kick myself in the butt enough to get it all done in time.

I have been struggling lately with getting back on track and doing what it is God says He wants us to do in the Bible. This is very difficult, considering I have backslided. Slamming on the breaks is definitely hard not just on you, but the one in the passenger seat too. Brian has told me repeatedly he respects my decision and is fine with it, but I know it's still hard on both of us. I'm sure everything will work out; I just worry over things a bit too much. I just keep praying that God will keep me strong and forgive me when I slip up on occasion.

I am so amazingly excited! I get to go with Brian on his annual family ski trip! Woot! I am sure to fall many times and hurt myself (though hopefully not *too* seriously), but I am also sure to have lots of fun! This is definitely, and unfortunately, a once-in-a-lifetime thing, since more than one trip would completely drain my bank account, but Brian is helping out a bit with this one, so it won't be all that bad, and I may get to go again when I'm a rich chiropractor or physical therapist someday! The biggest reason for my joy at getting to go is perhaps that I was under the impression I wouldn't be able to go unless Brian and I were engaged, and goodness knows if or when that might be! (Not that I'm opposed; not at all! I just know that counting chickens and getting one's hopes a bit too high is not entirely the healthiest for relationships. ;) We love each other very much, so who knows, maybe someday.....) Well, Brian found out a cousin of his is brining his girlfriend along, and he hasn't been going out with her nearly so long as Brian and I have, so thus, I get to go. And there is much rejoicing!

Well, I really ought to balance my checkbook so I can pay my phone bill... Yay for responsibility! Ooh, I should probably do some studying for chem or physics too... Nah, I think I'll go see Tenacious D, Pick of Destiny instead!

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