Narrowing the bandwidth

Mar 21, 2010 21:07

As a general FYI.,

Due to my word count not being where I would like it to be, I am restricting my e-mail and social networking site use (FB, LJ, etc.) to one session per day for the foreseeable future. So, if I'm not terribly quick in getting back to you (not that I always am anyhow), it's because of this. I'm not sure when I will be checking, but my suspicion is that it is going to be later in the day, rather than earlier.

In unrelated news, I am going to be un-subscribing from the NS list for a while. If anyone pings me there, or if there is something terribly interesting/vital you think I need to see (NOT involving freakin' bacon!), please forward it to my e-mail.
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