61 degrees F on Sunday in Minnesota

Mar 14, 2010 17:11

  1. Wandered to the gas station with the kids.
  2. Used coffee brought from home to clean up from son couging up half a lung (and his stomach) on the sidewalk.
  3. Bought two slushies at gas station.
  4. Bought another slushie after one got spilled.
  5. Used blue service station towels to clean up jacket when it was discovered blowing bubbles into second slushie doesn't produce the desired effects.
  6. Stopped by the coffee shop.
  7. Bribed older son to get me coffee while talked with neighbors hanging out at shop.
  8. Went to park.
  9. Determined there was still enough coffee in the cup to keep it after it was knocked over.
  10. Wandered towards home. Stopped to talk to same neighbors, who were also walking home.
  11. Discovered Cameron has a knack for the pogo stick (yikes!)
  12. Determined there was still enough coffee in the cup to keep it after it was knocked over again.
  13. Wandered home.
  14. Still determining if kids' boots will be dry in time for school tomorrow.


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