Jul 25, 2011 12:20
[Action/Video; Violet City Gym]
[Oh hey looks like its a feed from Shinn's new camera Pokémon, Stellar! The feed doesn't look like much, as its bobbing up and down, but at least its showing something interesting.
Namely Shinn looking all smug while lightning bolts and a certain Electabuzz zap through the arena, as well as the occasional sound of birds squawking in pain, while Falkner just looks on, all the while sweating bullets.
...obviously it didn't take long for the fight to end with Shinn getting the badge. Looking all victorious, he decided to give his Electabuzz a brofist.
Only for the Electabuzz to miss and hit Shinn's face. And then the feed cuts off.]
[Voice; Pokémon Center]
...There was a slight mishap at the end, but otherwise, I regained the Wing Badge because I don't like sitting around doing nothing.
((OOC: Badge is mod-approved!))