stand and be known, on your way down

Aug 29, 2005 04:56

ah, the weekend provided another fantastic party at joes. first i hung out with my lord and master, todd, for both to offer my company, and for some council from him, which i seem to be accepting more and more these days. after he got off work, he grabbed me and we went to his house so he could change, and we could pick up his girlfriend, my lady and mistress, sarah, and then we would be off to joes. but we got there, and she wasnt home. no biggie until we realized that her car was there, and that her purse was next to the outside door, but still, no sarah to be found. i could see the worry in todd's eyes, but he kept cool, suggesting she may have gone on foot to the quick shop for some pepsi, so i volunteered to go while he waited at the house. i was probably more worried than he was, althought i dont know why. so i stepped out, lit a ciggarette, and started on. now keep in mind this is a college town, on a weekend. huge party every other house, and drunk people everywhere asking for ciggarettes, money, or sex. none of which i was about to give up to these people. so i walk to and fro the quick stop, a total time of 30 minutes, and on my return, no sarah. todd is worried now because its traveled from his eyes, to his voice. so we play soul caliber to pass the time, and divert his mind, when she walks in like nothings wrong. of course, her walking in smiling actually means nothing is wrong, and that put me and todd at peace at least. it was good to see her. i havent seen her all summer, due to her visit with her parents, so after some time catching up, we were off. now im not about to come to a party empty handed, especially not to joes house. so i come up the stairs, huge brown bag full of beer and vodka. i make my pleasantries, and its off to margaritaville. well, technically jungle juiceville. excellent stuff that jungle juice. so todd and sarah leave early cause sarah was uncomfortable, and that made todd uncomfortable. but i stayed. i had means motive and opportunity, so i wasnt about to waste it. after everyone is already quite jolly, i go outside with joe for a smoke, when i most literally stumble over a guy whos just about as gone as i was. we exchange pleasantries, and i invite him in for a drink. he gladly accepts, and is so grateful, he asks me to share a few bowls with him. i wasnt about to turn down such a kind gesture, so i went, we smoked, and i gained a fairly awesome new friend. anyway, i get back, and joe and ash are dragging in some completey drunk chick from another party. now, ive seen some things at parties before, but what ive never seen is a drunk chick, covered in vomit, tears pouring down her mascara painted face, trying to make out with everyone in sight, reguardless of looks, gender, or how just plain disgusted they were with her. facinating. so as the night ends, the drunk slut leaves, people pass out outside, in the bathroom, and literally at my feet, and a pair of bisexuals inquire if id be willing to "help them" in one of the bedrooms. i, as i tend to do lately for whatever reason, declined, saying that i was to drunk to enjoy it. then i drifted to sleep on the couch. the end.
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