Mar 11, 2012 13:58
Recently I have noticed that, when driving by myself, I tend to get angry at other vehicles quite easily for really no good reason. This is not good, I should quit this. Traffic happens and some people just drive a bit slower. It is not the destination, it is the journey. Enjoy it. I think I've probably just forgotten this.
It may just be how I've felt a little stressed and worn lately. Spending the last few weeks of February flying back and forth from OKC and KS and working a ton probably took a bigger toll on me than I thought (though I know it took a even bigger toll on boss man and Coop). Taking Friday off definitely did help me destress and relax some and also get some much needed cleaning done.
The beach. The sea. The sand. The waves.
Also a chubby, warm kitty laying across my arms to nap as I try to type on the laptop is also, in it's own way, calming and nice. <3