thoughts (because i still use this platform)

Oct 29, 2013 07:58

Well, final week of this schedule. I'm going to be much happier when I'm back on something closer to normal and I can get out of the house more regularly.

I'm looking forward to time to get my head on straight and settle back into something resembling sane. I've started to notice that lately the mouth and brain don't work at the same speed (fingers keep up with brain, however, which is a relief), and consequently I'm not making sense sometimes.

Work's good. Informed my manager that I was going to be bowing out of a rotational opportunity because it wasn't where I my ultimate goal was. QA's interesting, and I think I could be really good, but I want management and I really should firmly direct my attention that way.

Otherwise, I intend to spend the next few days working on some projects I've got half-done. Life is... good.
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