Jul 09, 2008 00:06

WHAT: Shinpachi just...fanboying? Over yamamoto
Why: IDK. M2 and I simply started logging and it developed into this. Shinpachi is so adorable. =(
Notes: Using icon because i can.

Shinpachi: *touches Yamamoto's arm*
Yamamoto: "Do you want something??"
Shinpachi: "I-I... Yes."
Shinpachi: "*blush*"
Yamamoto: "Alright! What is it?? *smile*"
Shinpachi: "Can I--Can I touch your arm?"
Yamamoto: "Aren;t you already doing that? Hahaha!@
Shinpachi: "... N-No, your other arm. *blush blush blush*"
Yamamoto: "Hahahaha! Sure"
Shinpachi: "*touchtouchtouch omfgggg*"
Yamamoto: "*is oblivious*"
Yamamoto: "Hahaha, I can't move like this, Shinpachi!"
Shinpachi: "*touuuuuuuch* *is rather mesmerized by his hot bod*"
Shinpachi: "... Oh well, um. Maybe we should move somewhere else so you can move."
Yamamoto: "Hahaha, sure!! *moves somehow being still attatched to shinpachi*"
Shinpachi: "*is sorta not really touching his arm now* Is this better?"
Yamamoto: "Yep! Much better! *goes back to whatever he was doing*"
Shinpachi: "*needs to go jack off now* Uhhhh, okay. *hides himself a bit* I will be... RIGHT BACK. *escape from the room*"
Yamamoto: "*Lols completly oblivious*"
Shinpachi: "*comes back about fifteen minutes later* ... *sneaks quietly into the room."
Yamamoto: "*Waves back* Sup Shinpachi! Did you finish?"
Shinpachi: "*jumps!* AH! *stares at him* ... Er. Yeah, I did. *laughs awkwardly*"
Yamamoto: "Hahaha! Great! *goes back to watching TV? Idk do they have one*"
Shinpachi: "*yeah they have one lol* Umm, yeah. *blushes again* *sits down on his bed and tries not to look at Yamamoto*"
Yamamoto: "Hahaha! Shinpachi, you should come watch this show! It's pretty funny!"
Shinpachi: "*twitches a little* ... Aha, umm. No, I'm good."
Yamamoto: "Kay! *continues watching obliviously*"
Shinpachi: "*sighs and flops down on his bed* *cannot believe he just jacked off after touching A GUY sdhfkjs* ... What are you watching?"
Yamamoto: "Hahaha, I have no idea! The guys keep getting hit by some random stuff and falling into some guey substance!"
Shinpachi: "*wants to watch now* Oh. *rolls over so as not to look at him* ... *then rolls back over and looks at him*"
Yamamoto: "*Turns around so he's facing him* Aren't you uncomfortable like that?"
Shinpachi: "*his eyes widen and he blushes some more* I'm fine! I swear. Just, uh, exercising."
Yamamoto: "Hahaha, alright then! *if he is close by he patted his head* *goes back to TV*"
Shinpachi: "*sdhfkjds spazzes just a little* ... Ah, right. Uh. *sdhfjs* *tempted to watch with him*"
Yamamoto: *would not notice...for a while*
Shinpachi: *sits up and sighs in a very manly way* I think I'm done exercising for now. *sits down with Yamamoto and watches whatever he's watching*
Yamamoto: "Really? That's great! *friendly punch in the arm, then goes back to watching, SMILING LIKE A FAG*"
Shinpachi: *the punch knocks him back a little* Y-Yeah, it is. *adjusts his glasses and tries to hide his blush some more*
Yamamoto: "*Is probably shuffling around, making retarded comments about the tv show, MIGHT BE SLIGHT BRUSHING*"
Shinpachi: *sdhfkjs thinks Yamamoto is BRUSHING* *clears his throat and wriggles a little* *trying NOT to look at his SEXY MANLY ARMS*
Yamamoto: "*Brushing some more because the show got interesting*"
Shinpachi: *trying to concentrate on the TV show* *shdshdkjfs* This--This show is pretty good.
Yamamoto: "Hahaha! Yeah! It is! Do you usually watch this?? *turns around when he;s talking to him because that's the polite thing to do*"
Shinpachi: Er, sometimes. *glances at him just a little*
Yamamoto: "Hahaha! Really? I thought this would be something you guys could watch daily *staaaaaaare*"
Shinpachi: *sweatdrop* Uhhh, s-sometimes. We're kinda busy during the day. *except not really*
Yamamoto: "Oh, I guess that's true. *figures shinpachi doesn;t wanna talk, so goes back to watching tv*"
Shinpachi: *squirms* *no no no he doesn't mind talking he's just... shdfdkjs* *looks back at the TV*
Yamamoto: "*well yamamoto is no mind reader, how is he supposed to know D|* *laughs loudly because this is yamamoto*"
Shinpachi: *shdkfjs he's freaked out okay? ;_;* *likes his laugh sdhfkjsd* ... I think we're having stir fry tonight. *says this out of the blue8
Yamamoto: "Hahaha! Really? Who's cooking? *stares again~*"
Shinpachi: *sdhfj Yamamoto has eyes that sparkle like Otsuu-chan's only... not quite* ... Ah, I don't know. We might all be cooking together or something.
Yamamoto: "*I was expecting people to just abuse Yamamoto's cooking skills, tbh,* Oh, should we go out to help them, then?"
Shinpachi: *yeah, I dunno maybe they are* Dinner isn't for another half hour, though. Trust me, there isn't a rush around here.
Yamamoto: *wouldn;t surprise me, lol* Haahaha! Alright then! *Stretches arms around wherever he's sitting*
Shinpachi: *nods* Yeah... *hopes Gin-san doesn't notice the mess of tissues in the bathroom*
Yamamoto: *he should have cleaned them up* *actually* *stands up* I'll be right back, Shinpachi. I need to take a run to the washroom.
Shinpachi: *was kinda too traumatized to do that* ... Oh oka--WAIT WHERE? *eyes widen and he stares at him*
Yamamoto: *blinks* Uh, the washroom? Hahaha, you know, the room with the toilet?
Shinpachi: ... Oh, ummm right. *thinking about THE MESS OH MY GOD* Errr. Well, uh, wait. I think you have a stray thread on your shirt! I gotta get it first.
Yamamoto: Eh, really? Where? *starts trying to take a look on it, turning around a bit*
Shinpachi: It's--It's... Hang on. *sdhfkjds freaking out because he's looking again* *starts touching his shirt pretending to find it*
Yamamoto: Can you find it? *wonders why is taking him so long*
Shinpachi: Umm just a second. *pretending to comb his shirt for the stray thread*
Yamamoto: Hahaha, it doesn't really matter, Shinpachi! *is getting fond of rubbing his head, lol* I'll do it later when I take it off.
Shinpachi: *kinda doesn't mind the head rubbing, though it makes him feel like a little kid when he's OLDER THAN YAMAMOTO* ... T-Take it off?
Yamamoto: *he's shorter, so* Hahaha! Yeah, I sleep in my boxers. It's too hot to sleep with all my clothes on!
Shinpachi: *shdkjfldshfjshj his jaw drops a little* So like... you sleep ALMOST NAKED. *stare* ...
Yamamoto: *thinks about it* Yup! Pretty much!
Shinpachi: *this might be TOO MUCH for this brain* *sdhfjslhdfs isn't gay isn't gay isn't gay isn't gay*
Yamamoto: *Takes advantage* OK, then I'll be back in a bit! *turns to leave*
Shinpachi: H-huh?! NO WAIT YOU CAN'T GO YET!!! *gets up to stop him and falls on his face* ...
Yamamoto: Woah! Are you alright?? *offers him a hand to help him get up*
Shinpachi: *sdhfkjshd ow* ... U-Um yeah. *looks up at him and grabs his hand without think* I-I, um, tripped. Yeah. *smiles dorkishly*
Yamamoto: You sure you didn't hurt your face or anything? Most people would be bleeding *and would need stitches lol*
Shinpachi: *gets to his feet* I-I'm fine. Promise. *waves his hands a little at him*
Yamamoto: That's great! *lets go and finally heads for the washroom. again*
Shinpachi: Er. Yamam-- *frowns as Yamamoto turns the corner and is gone* *feels his dignity go down the toilet* ... *contemplates discussing this with Gin-san but he's not sure how much that will do*
Yamamoto: *doesn;t take very long in the washroom* *comes back to the room eventually* Hahaha, Shinpachi! There's a bunch of paper you guys should throw out, you know?
Shinpachi: *lying on his bed all curled up* *talking a little to himself so he doesn't hear Yamamoto*
Yamamoto: Hn? Shinpachi? *walks over and waves his hand in front of his face* Are you still there?
Shinpachi: *stops mid sentence and turns to look up at Yamamoto* ............................................. *shock face*
Yamamoto: *did I mentioned his face was very close* Are you alright?
Shinpachi: *BLUSHES* ........................................... I-I'm fine. *staring up at him*
Yamamoto: Hahaha, you sure? You could be feverish or something. *touches his forehead, because cliche scenes are the best*
Shinpachi: *sdhfklewhskjdhf;dshgfjshdj* *flinches* *he's probably hot all over right now* Swear I'm fine! Honest! Aha, um.
Yamamoto: *raises eyebrow* Hahaha! If you say so! *stands up again* Then perhaps we should go help with dinner.
Shinpachi: *feels dizzy now* ... Yeah, we should. *takes a deep breath and then sits up slowly, averting his eyes from Yamamoto*
Yamamoto: *drags him up, and puts his arms around his shoulders in a friendly manner* Let's go!
Shinpachi: *his eyes widen but he doesn't stop him, just kinda can't get over how strong Yamamoto is* ... *blinks* ... *wobbles a bit then shakes his head* ... Okay.
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