Touhou Chisanauma (東方小さな馬) Prologue

Mar 12, 2012 17:22

So. I guess I've started a crossover fic. I'm going to fandom hell, hoorj.

I tried my best to mimic the writing style of Curiosities of Lotus Asia here, though I'm pretty sure I failed spectacularly.

Don't bother with the C&C; I already know this is horrible and it's mostly something I'm putting to text to get it out of my head.

I have no idea how things fouled up so spectacularly.

While the large, grey wings are somewhat commonplace amongst bird youkai, the most notable thing about the strange visitor in the shop was the strange gaze she had. While she looked around normally, one of her golden eyes always seemed to follow your movements, staring right through you as if you weren't there. It didn't seem to bother her any, though it made me feel quite uneasy.

She wandered into the shop earlier in the morning, a youkai that I had never seen nor heard of before. That may not mean much, though, considering that I'm not very social. She claimed she was a "pegasus", though I haven't heard of that sort of youkai before.

I asked who she was, but her name is apparently a mystery to both of us. Amnesia? I suppose such things are not unheard of. She had no idea what Gensokyo was, either. She came in, confused, with a golden necklace bearing a distinctive pendant. While the pink gems weren't of any kind I was familiar with, the distinctive butterfly shape made me wonder if she had pilfered it from the Netherworld. However, upon examining it... who would steal kindness from anybody?

I sent her quickly away to the human village, hoping that the Child of Miare would know more about the pendant, and about her origins. Secretly, I desired her elsewhere - the last thing I needed was Marisa barging in asking more questions I couldn't answer, or assuming that the two of us had "something going on". More importantly, I knew someone who would only help when she was good and ready to.

And so, there I was. It had become a distressing habit as of late; preparing fried tofu to seek out the council of that youkai. However, the desire for information was too strong to ignore, especially if there are youkai coming in from the outside world again. Was this her doing? It had to have been, especially if that pendant was truly something from Hakugyoroku.

She didn't even allow me to finish, this time; out of nowhere that slender white-gloved hand appeared, taking the pot that I was preparing the tofu in, and replacing it with a note.

"It is simply an illusionary bird. People stopped believing, so she appeared in Gensokyo." Such words were troubling; was this strange girl a god? She did not seem the type, but then again, none would expect that the youkai named Yukari Yakumo was very unusual either. Appearances could be decieving.

"The item she brought with her should not have shown up here, however, as its world still needs it. Perhaps 'kindness' was lost there?" I kept reading, each line getting more worrisome. I envisioned her knowing smirk mocking me, but even that did not make my stomach sink as much as the letter's final words. "You needn't worry. I have the matter firmly in hand."

That was the real reason to worry - Yukari Yakumo being involved in a "matter" was nothing but bad news.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth. Original at

confound these ponies, touhou crap, oh god sword is writing

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