Don't let the cartoon animals and chipper music fool you: from beginning to end, Night in the Woods is a horror game, filled with nightmarish themes such as murder, eldritch gods, gentrification, and the awareness that the world is a tiny speck in a cold, uncaring universe and that everyone will die cold and alone. There's spooky things like ghosts and giant dream monsters and kidnappings, sure, but the real terror is just living life as a socially maladjusted young adult, staring at a world that expects you to do everything and gives you less than nothing to work with.
Night in the Woods is a game about being alive today, in 2018. (Or 2017, as the case may be.) It's about existential despair and rural-class obsolescence, it's about the way that everyone has mental health problems but only the younger generation has the energy left in them to care any more. It's about the way how life squeezes the life out of you, sometimes quite literally, until all you have left is your routines. It's about seeing those routines, and being willing to compromise them, to change plans. Night in the Woods is a game about learning to grow up and about how it's not just the immature/childish ones who need to learn to take responsibility.
There is no right or wrong way to play Night in the Woods. There's no such thing as 'game over' and life goes on even if you fuck up. You're destined to fuck up in some way or another, even if you try to do the best you can. Especially if you try to do the best you can, because that means interacting with people and trying to offer solutions when you can't realistically have the entire picture.
This game hurts, a lot. But, in the game's own words:
I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something. It means I am... something, at least.
Try to play Night in the Woods if you've ever questioned what the point of it all really is. And do your best to play it as blind as possible.
gregg rulz ok
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