Try A Thing: Free To Play Style

Jul 23, 2018 04:21

So I finally pulled away from my personal millstones for a little while to try some stuff that had been rattling around the discovery queue and, well. I was largely disappointed, but cleared two and kind of "eh whatever" the third, so, my thoughts.

VARENJE (Freebie Chapter One)

Celine and Xyzzy already said everything there is to say about this, but I figured I'd give it a fair shake too.

It's exactly what has already been said. There's nothing really to add except that at one point it smash cuts out of nowhere to a point-of-view narrator describing what's going on to a nurse orderly in what I can only assume, given contextual clues, is a psychiatric ward.

Yikes. Hope you like your whimsical games about surreal fantasy worlds to actually be the deranged breakdowns of the mentally unwell. I know I sure fuckin' don't.


From the steam page, this looked like a charming little zeldalike, it was free to play, I decided to try it.

Instead what I got was a charming little chicken-themed Don Quixote simulator where I played an yellow blob wearing a bucket on his head and terrorizing a village in the name of "performing feats of honor and valor", until what point that the village lynch mobs him and he has to flee for his life. It was over in fifteen minutes and was very obviously a Game Jam game that somebody put a lot of heart into, so I can't ACTUALLY be mad at it, but I can sure be disappointed.



Well, I suppose Super Mario Run is also free to play.

Quite similarly, this is basically Mega Man Run. (Or Mega Man XOver, minus the obtrusive gacha mechanics.) You automatically run forward at all times, leaving you to man the jump and shoot buttons to murder things in your path and leap over obstacles. Jump is space, shoot is enter, these are not rebindable in any way, shape or form. You start out with two characters available (a rapid-fire gliding character and a double-jumping Not Megaman) and have to buy optional powerups and extra characters with in-game currency that you earn v e r y s l o w l y. Maybe you earn it faster if you beat stages. I didn't grind hard enough to find out.

All in all, I got what I paid for.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth. Original at

sword + bitching + whining = otp, weekly try a thing

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