So I admittedly have only gotten a few hours into this, but... well, I have some good and bad thoughts on it.
oh my god this game is BEAUTIFUL. The voice acting is just kind of extant, but it's not bad (and the game offered to let me choose between English and Japanese voices when I started the game, which is always good - having AN OPTION is better than forcing in all situations) but the music is great, the backgrounds are gorgeous, and spritework is absurdly detailed.
That doesn't mean I've gotten used to the art style, especially with regards to a few of the larger characters I've encountered. That will take some time to warm up to. In addition, the level of detail on the backgrounds makes it kind of awkward to tell what is and is not a platform at times.
Gameplay is snappy, responsive, and allows some level of ease-of-play without being a straight up buttonmash fest (like, say, Dynasty Warriors). Honestly, I think of it as being like Dust, but a little more smooth in chaining motions together.
The analog is a bit oversensitive and sometimes I find myself launching into the wrong attack because my stick was a smidge too low. I could switch to D-Pad, but the d-pad on a Dual Shock has never been particularly comfortable to use.
Pookas. They're adorable. I want to fuck the cute rabbit people.
I just openly admitted on my blog that I am furry trash. (Not like any of you didn't know, but.)
The translation is solid, and the plot is at least coherent enough to keep me following it.
oh god have I ranted recently about how much I hate when a character refuses to drop an obsession and move on after being stabbed in the back? IF YOU'RE EXILED, DON'T THINK YOU CAN JUST WALTZ THROUGH THE DOORS OF YOUR HOME AND GO "HEY I JUST GOT THIS THING YOU WANT ARE WE COOL" NO YOU ARE NOT COOL YOU IGNORAMUS AUGH
So, overall: game good. need play more.
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