Mar 07, 2009 04:32
Saw Watchmen. Really enjoyed it, but not so much the douche next to me who liked to wave his hands at dramatic moments and say stuff like "That's what it's all about" when [redacted] and [redacted] save the people in the [redacted]. Oh, also, he decided the pause before the punchline of the climactic speech was the best moment to recite the punchline himself. Luckily Stephanie couldn't hear him.
I continue to be bemused by the people worried about the movie. Even Spoony, who was pretty rational about the movie itself, talked about Watchmen as "one of the greatest books of all time." Look, I liked it too, but seriously? No. It's not even the best comic I've read, though I completely agree it's a classic of the field. But people who think it's not going to be adapted well are lunatics -- it's the comic, on a screen, only cut for time. The characters look exactly the same, talk exactly the same. If accuracy of adaptation is your crux, you're golden.
I think it did some good movie things, like the use of music. It was good, and I'll buy it on DVD, but, for example, the movie wasn't as good as V for Vendetta, which, as a movie, I think is excellent on its own. So go, have fun, try not to wander into a theater like Memphis', where people think they can interact with the movie (Yes, Dr. Manhattan's penis is visible several times, like in the comic, and yes, the theater as a whole felt this was hilarious).