
Jan 23, 2009 05:25

  • 10:12 5.30 again. Why?! #
  • 10:40 We'te reading "aye & gomorrah" & "colour out of space" for mon. These... Do not go together. :) #
  • 10:44 @ owen_s which Nono? Cause hitohira's never strick me as moe, & I don't know any others. She seemed sorta GAR, in fact. #
  • 10:48 @ thebign definitely oddball, but does she need protection? #
  • 11:02 @ thebign true. Her friend/rival clearly feels some moe for her. But I was mostly in mugi's shoes, I suppose. #
  • 13:40 @ OneGreatTurtle I tend to believe "moe" requires a feeling of protection, as that's where the word comes from. Other feelings = other words #
  • 14:08 @ OneGreatTurtle I'm not limiting it to solely protection, but I do think it's a necessary element to be mixed in with other, varied stuff. #
  • 14:08 @ OneGreatTurtle Though I see how the last twitter makes it sound like I was. :p #
  • 19:53 @ extrange @lelangir It's also thought black holes may *generate* gravitons, and each may sap its power -- eventually killing it altogether #
  • 19:57 @ Extrange I'm into, well, all of it. I love astronomy and the pertinent theories, quantum and otherwise. #
  • 19:57 @ Extrange I *like* string theory (and M theory), but it's been nearly half a century and there's been no testable experiments yet... #
  • 19:59 @ otakusecret Probably says something deep about your self-esteem. :) #
  • 20:01 @ neilhimself #coffee Myrrh, or the closest comestible equivalent. Also, served in a mug covered in buttons (just to be timely). #
  • 20:04 @ Extrange True. Hence me claiming, exitedly when they turned it on, that the LHC might be one of our *most* important things. Ever. #
  • 20:04 @ Extrange Also, any book recs concerning quantum? I'm still getting my feet wet. I have elegantuniverse, and intend to read Kaku. #
  • 20:21 @ cuchlann I'm working on it... But mostly no, so far. #
  • 20:27 O_o I'm not convinced twittering myself was the *best* idea... #
  • 20:32 @ extrange well, that message was meant for another person, so it wasn't v. Helpful... #
  • 21:57 @ owen_s true zen criticism is not being concerned w/winning... Or so I here. >_> #
  • 23:24 @ owen_s does that include the Endymion novels as well? #
  • 23:27 Heston is fucking GAR in Omega Man. White Russians might contribute to this opinion... #
  • 00:12 @ owen_s Hyperion and sequel is what I've read. Amazing. I mean to read Endymion pretty soon. #
  • 00:16 Owen_s Yeah, I found them used, so I just have the single copies. Still, I think you'll like them. Esp. If you like Keats. #
  • 01:32 Woo. Drunkenness. I should totally wrie a post like this. #
  • 01:36 @ owen_s is that moorcock's essay? I read that in his book, Wizardry & Wild Romance. Def. Rec. If you're interested in fantasy theory. #
  • 01:53 Heston is the christchild #
  • 02:10 Deep in cups, to borrow fr. Fantasy shit. Afnostic corey says he's cool w/god. #
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