News Update:

Nov 25, 2009 08:26

Last Monday, November the 16th, I had my tonsils removed. It was a quick outpatient procedure. I was in and out in a matter of hours, and Anil was with me the entire recovery period. I was warned that there would be post-op pain and that I would need to stay hydrated, and then I was given lots of narcotics and antibiotics and sent home.

Commence the agony.

Oh my god! Now I know why they don't recommend this procedure for anyone over a certain age group. Ilyana had her tonsil's removed three years ago, when she was only three, and for her it was a couple of days of mild discomfort followed by a relaxing time. For me, it's been 10 days of incredible pain and very little sleep. Not that the drugs don't make me sleepy, don't get me wrong, it's just that I can only sleep in one hour increments and then the pain gets to be too much so that it wakes me up. I think that I've only had one single uninterrupted night of sleep since the procedure and that was last night. The rest of the week has been a exercise in pain tolerance.

Yes, they did give me something for the pain. They gave me a cocktail of oxycodon every four to six hours if I have pain, which I took pretty regularly the last eight days, and a little something for the nausea that would also knock me out. Let's just say that while the drugs took the edge off the pain, it was never for long and never enough.


Anyway, I'm on the mend so it's all good. Although I am still pretty much a mute right now. :)

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving's Day. It's also my daughter's birthday. I am so very excited! We're doing the thing over at my sister Mabe's place, where all of her kids will be coming in and a few friends will also be joining us, so I am excited.
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