More Memey Me

Aug 30, 2007 20:47

This is a meme I nicked off Rob from waaay back on his LJ. Hurrah.

A - Available? Not in the least, hurrah!
A - Age: 21. And a half!
A - Annoyance: I daren't say, but its person-shaped.

B - Best Buddy? Er...I know people, I do! No really, I can't choose one in particular.
B - Bar: The Pen and Wig rocks.
B - Birthday? 5th of December

C - Crush: Not really, no.
C - Car: I drive but I don't have a car.
C - Cat: He's called Jack and he's fat, whorish and lazy.

D - Dead Pet's Name: Saffie (my Dad's Yorkie) and Robbie our rescue Collie-cross
D - Dad’s Name: Adrian
D - Dog: Not any more :( But I want an Irish Wolfhound

E - Easiest person to talk to: Rob, Andrew, some other people I expect
E - Eggs: Poached on toast
E - Email: Yes please.

F - Favorite color? I rather like red and purple but I always end up saying blue.
F - Food: Mexican, Chinese, Italian
F - Foreign Slang: French slang is darned cool.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: What are worms? Gummi Bears definitely
G - God: I always used to think he was a baby in vicar's outfit. How odd.
G - Good Time: Late at night

H - Hair Color: Dark brown.
H - Height: 165cm, maybe a wee bit less
H - Happy: Oh yes :)

I - Ice Cream: Hokey-pokey (honeycomb) or Biscotti
I - Instrument: I used to play recorder. Wish I could play the drums.
I - Idol: I don't have one. I used to want to be just like my mother. How wrong I was. *Shudder*

J - Jewelry: There's nothing I wear more than anything else, except the one thing that isn't mine :)
J - Job: Something cool. I don't know what.
J - JuJu Beans: What?

K - Kids: Scary
K - Karate: No. Doesn't tickle my fancy
K - Kung fu: I almost did, but did fencing instead. I'd like to though.

L - Lara Croft: She's not looking too bad in her recent incarnations, but still not my cup of tea.
L - Longest Car Ride: Cornwall to Cardiff maybe.
L - Longest Relationship: 6 months and counting

M - Milk: Semi-skimmed
M - Mother's Name: Sue
M - Movie Last Watched: The new Transformers film I think

N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Northern or Southern: Southwest. We're proper :P
N - Name: Lianne (Jesus if you don't know this, why are you here?)

O - ONE WISH: I'd like to get rid of mental illness. It's not good.
O - One Phobia? Sort of, but I'd rather not say.
O - Otter Pop: Eh?

P - Parents, are they married or divorced: Divorced
P - Part of your appearance you like best: My eyes, definitely.
P - Parachute or parasail? Both!

Q- Quote? Well I recently found something I'd written down that Blorob said in D&D once "There's another corpse, a dead one!"
Q - Quick or Slow: Well I am very lazy
Q - Quiet or Loud?: I always thought I was quite quiet

R - Reason to smile: I'm hideously in love
R - Reality TV Show: No. Just no. The closest thing I like is Dragon's Den.
R - Rock star: I can't think of any stars.

S - Song Last Heard: My computer informs me it was "Avril et toi" by Les Ogres de Barback
S - Season: I can never decide. Winter has Christmas. I quite like Spring though.
S - Sex: Ladybeast

T - Time you woke up: 14:44, but I only slept at 4am
T - Time Now: 21:30
T - Time for bed: Late, late, late

U - Unknown Fact about me: I've no idea
U - Unicorns: Look a bit gay
U - Under there?: This sense! (Thank you Eddie Izzard)

V - Vegetable you hate: Peas. Ugh.
V - Vegetable you love: Broccoli. Also strawberries.
V - View on Politics: Cornish nationalist and lefty-student-scum

W - Worst Habits: I think that's for other people to say, anyone?
W - Worst job ever: I'd hate to work in Tesco's *ever* again
W - Where are you going to travel next? Cardiff.

X - X-Rays: Back and chest
X - Xylophone: No
X - X-tra special someone: I'd say Rob but I'm sure he and his pedantosity wouldn't stand for this 'x-tra' nonsense :P

Y - Year you were born: 1985
Y - Year it is now: 2007
Y - Yellow?: My old bedroom (that I had until last moth) had bright yellow painted walls. And a lime green carpet. It rocked.

Z - Zoo Animal: Wullufs (wolves), fennecs, red pandas and these days I'm also on the look out for prosimians
Z - Zodiac: Sagittarius. It seems to fit my personality pretty well actually, despite what a load of bollocks that is
Z - Zoolander?: I've seen about five minutes of it

One of these days I'll post something that isn't a meme, but hey, they're fun and I'm lazy.


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