Mod Post - Feedback and Changes

Nov 25, 2012 16:22

First off I wanted to thank everyone who responded to my post. I found the feedback very helpful and I’m trying to incorporate the suggestions into the community so that it will, hopefully, keep on going for a long period of time.

I am going to put a new challenge up soon. This challenge will be a free choice challenge meaning you can use any images (as long as they fit the premise of this community) and any style that you like. I am hoping this freedom will encourage more people to join in.
The first change is that challenges will last for two weeks. I am hoping this is a positive change and will allow people with busy schedules a chance to enter.

I will also be promoting this community as much as I can, if you have suggestions for places I can promote then I appreciate that. I would appreciate any help in this regards! If you want to promote the community yourself then please do. I have provided a few banners below that you could use, or you could make your own, or even a text link would be great.">">">">">">

As the holidays are approaching I wondered if anyone would be interested in a set of special challenges or whether the community should take a winter hiatus or continue on as normal. One thing that has proved very popular in my other comm’s is the occasional 20in20 or other different icon challenges. If there is any interest I could set one of those up either over the holiday period or in the New Year.

I would really like to see this community grow and continue on as I really enjoy running it. If you have any thoughts about this community feel free to private message me or post to the newest mod post, I will make sure they are all screened.

You can also suggest themes here and help expand our list of TV and films set in antiquity here

!mod post

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