The Cold (and furry) War

Aug 17, 2009 07:42

The warning notations have ceased for the time being.  Other than wapping my post-petting-Ollie-scented hands, Ashe has stopped hissing.  Ollie's solitary baritone growl was a one time deal.  However, there is now the pacing around spying on each other, the long stares, the hiding in safe places out of the way, the unending sniffing of the intruder or the long-term squatter.  Ollie has been brave this morning, coming downstairs unbidden to explore Ashe's most frequented room -- my office.  He is nervous about it, so I am getting a repeated kitty swirls about my office chair.   ...while Ashe maintains her defensible position on the chairs at the dining room table.  I suspect that future toleration of both in the office simultaneously will involve Ashe on top of the computer station, and Ollie elsewhere in the room.

...but for now, Ollie keeps exploring the living room and kitchen as Ashe seethingly observes... which causes Ollie to retreat to the office, get pettings, and then muster up the nerve for another scouting mission.

At some point, he will learn that there is a kitty door in the basement door.  It will be a tight fit for him, but I think he can manage it.

home, pets

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