Letter meme

Oct 06, 2008 16:15

  1. Comment on this post.
  2. I will give you a letter.
  3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.

I was given the letter J
1.  J.Jonah Jameson, the infamous publisher of the Daily Bugle.  Did I use up all of my J's on that one?
2.  Jack of Shadows, yet another fun Roger Zelazny antihero with some relation to shadows.  More Zelazny J characters with shadow references would Julian, Jasra, and Jade.  Am I out of J's yet?
3.  Jubilee, cute and annoying sidekick to Wolverine.  Why is that writers insist on giving Wolverine cute and annoying sidekicks?
4.  Jack of Hearts.  Hey, I'm on a roll with superhero comic book characters.  Comic book writers love the letter J.
5.   Jethro Bodine.  I considered Jed Clampet, but Jethro is an icon of strong stupidity while ciphering.  Heck, he's so great a band named themselves after him.


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