Operation "Save Adam Monroe"

Dec 08, 2008 21:31

Hey, I don't know if this'll be allowed to remain here,but I thought I'd pimp here. Basically I'm pimping a comp to get some "Adam is rescued/brought back to life/cloned/whatever" fic as a how-to for the Heroes writers. Because we all need Adam back in Volume 4, am I right? The link to the poll (as to whether or not this is a dumb idea, as a way to guage if anyone would actually do it) is here. That'll take you to my journal.

Now, I know it says no pairings/ships that aren't feasible to the show, but I figured I could still pimp here because a) Hiro is the reset button that most of these fics will probably employ to save The Great One and b) Adam and Hiro have a barely pg canon relationship anyway, so slashy undertones would SO be cool. (Think the stuff they put in the show. It'd be fine.)

So, um, yeah. Come over, check it out and yay or nay it.

Mods, delete if I'm overstepping my bounds here. I'll understand.


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