Title: Phoenix Arisen
Rating: R for language and smex. Not graphic smex, but smex all the same.
Word Count: 1, 971 (aprox.)
Characters, Pairings: Adam/Arthur (yes, you read that right) Adam/Hiro, brief cameos of Daphne and Knox.
Disclaimer, Spoilers: I do not own Heroes. I would have thought that was obvious by now. Spoilers up to ‘Dying in the Light’ (aka DAMN YOU TIM KRING YOU SON-OF-A-MARY-SUE!)
A/N: I’m twisting elements from the show’s canon into my own personal verse, and this comes a short time after ‘Eye of the Hurricane.’ (And continuing my trend for lousy titles and creepy Second-Person narration.) This time it’s from Adam’s POV, because I find writing psycho murderers FAR too easy.
This has been in my head since the night of that horrid episode, but of course, I got sick, and them swamped by school and That-Guy, so this was delayed. And, like all twisted, overtly-descriptive smex fics of mine, I am going to blame this on tessykins.
http://aunt-zelda.livejournal.com/87001.html#cutid1 - ‘Eye of the Hurricane’ to which this is a kind of ‘part 2’ I suppose.
http://aunt-zelda.livejournal.com/89758.html#cutid1 - Phoenix Arisen
(Mods, if this isn't Adam/Hiro enough, you can delete this.)