Title: The Eye of the Hurricane
Rating: R, methinks. I mean, I’m vague, but it’s still smutty.
Pairings, Characters: Adam/Hiro, mentions of Daphne, Elle, Claire, and Claude.
Word Count: 1, 357 (aprox.)
Spoilers, Disclaimer: If you haven’t seen up to episode 4 of V3 of Heroes, don’t read this. Also, I don’t own Heroes. If I did, Mohinder would have turned his pheromones on to SYLAR instead of She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
A/N: This is for everworld2662’s birthday, which was a long time ago, but we’ve both been so busy that I only got the prompt on the 8th and barely had enough time to finish before leaving for my week-long-no-computer-trip. It’s written in Second-person, which is becoming something of a trend for me. I know the title is awful, and I haven’t written Hiro/Kensadam … ever, actually, unless you count those drabbles. So … yeah, I had a lot of trouble writing this, and I hope it turned out well. (I’ll be playing around with this ‘D&D cell’ as it were, sooner rather than later, so be on the lookout!)
Prompt: "All this running around / well it's getting me down / Just give me a pain that I'm used to" - Depeche Mode (