I did it!

Feb 26, 2008 14:55

I killed me some acrylic.

Alright, so I'm hoping I killed me some acrylic. I followed the directions...just not to the letter. I would have, I really truly would have BUT I think I wet the towel too much and therefore was never going to be "DONE" as stated in the directions. The directions said to 1. wet the piece to be killed. Right, totally had that covered. 2.Place the piece on a dry towel and block to desired size. Got it. 3. Place damp towel on top of the piece. Um...Damp? Anyone who's seen me take a rag and wipe off the table or wash the floor knows I have issues figuring out what "Damp" means. I lean towards something more akin to "sopping".  Step 4. Iron the piece pressing but not ironing as you normally would with swiping motions. Got it. 5. Continue this until top towel is dry.

...I pressed and steamed for a half hour and I didn't get anywhere near dry. Scout's honor. And I thought on this fact, and I thought some more...and decided after inspecting the piece that it was totally within my power. I had killed it (it kind of feels different. Like...different in a way that it didn't feel different just being wet). So I moved a drying sweater, put the two sleeves in place of it, took some photos and hope to God I didn't mess something up.

I'd be posting this on the knitting group I'm in only I don't want to give results without knowing for sure they're absolute. Here, look at the pretty blocked sleeves.

They're the sleeves to the Dollar and a Half Cardigan found in the Spring 2007 Interweave Knits. I just have to finish the button band and block the main piece, sew on the sleeves and buttons and I am in business. I'm worried it'll look like crap (it's the first full sweater I've made) but if nothing else I can wear it around the house.

Wanna see what the sleeves looked like before I killed them?

Yeah, that's ugly.


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