Jun 10, 2008 01:38
Sometimes, you come to a juncture in the road where both paths forward blow. You look to them and wince, and decide it's better to stay right where you are, or even go backwards. Yep. That's where I am, as 4th edition for Dungeons and Dragons comes out, while Paizo develops Pathfinder.
Both are essentially new versions of Dungeons and Dragons. 4th edition is a shitty MMORPG clone(There's more to it, but I'm not going into it here. All that's needed for this blogging is that I hold the opinion, not why or the validity of said claim.), while Pathfinder is a messy re imagining of 3.5 that I find rather disagreeable to my tastes. I normally wouldn't care about this, but...
AFter years and years and years, I got back into a current edition of dungeons and dragons. I hadn't been current since late 2nd edition. I found I missed the constant, steady stream of new material and focus; 3.5 gave this in spades. Now, I see that focus leaving just as I'm finding my sweet spot with the system. Fuck. It's even worse than just that, since I find the new options craptacular and not worth my time.
Don't you hate it when you run a one shot and it doesn't quite work out? Alicia's been off exploring an old castle keep ruin the past day or two; it's a throwaway quest for an item purification. without spoiling the plot, it's not quite clicked with me in execution. I also don't think it's quite clicked with Eb, for some reasons that I can't fault him for.
For example, Alicia used her spell fire ability for the first time. It did superb damage, critically wounding two Barbed Devils. However, it ignores hardness and plows right through objects. She used it in a sinkhole that had partially collapsed before and was shown to be fragile.
I felt I couldn't ignore the terrain damage, and the dice weren't particularly kind to Alicia. Still, I feel bad having her first use of the ability be kinda tainted. Bleh.
It was 103 degrees today. I worked in that for several hours. On a related note, the bottled water in the fridge went from a dozen to half a dozen bottles left a few hours after work. I hate summer.