Sep 16, 2008 21:04
After approximately 30 times today, my verdict is this:
This may just be the most amazing song of the year.
And it's an awesome Nic/Cheryl&Kim/Sarah - & Nuh-deen song. This Is Monumental.
And it's not quite Can't Speak French and it's not quite what the kids these days are calling an up-tempo number and it's not exactly the big massive blow-your-actual-minds first listen that Sexy! No No No was, but. It doesn't even matter, because It's Actually Amazing.
Leona has apparently pushed back the release date of hers. Maybe this means it'll get to number one. The Promise, I mean, not whatever Leona's churning out these days.
I am very excited by it's prospects.
I missed X Factor two weeks in a row and am very upset by this. Despite hating the fucking show. Cheryl's hair appears to be getting more and more epic as it goes on. Possibly veering in on Kimba's territory (although, probably not).
And Cheryl sounds fucking amazing.
And Sarah's bits are still annoying, but they are growing on me.
I love this group. La end.
music ramblings,
girls aloud