Jan 22, 2007 19:35
Due to some complaints, I've limited Uzura's computer time. (Nothing serious, so don't bother to get on my case about it or I'll ignore you.) I ask you again to please be careful what you say around her or if she starts badgering you over this system for whatever reason. Yeah, she's cute, and believe me, she takes advantage of that in every possible way.
As for this new influx of people, above is your pre-warning about the nosy little girl who may try to get into your business (and belongings). She looks innocent, but don't take her lightly. She'll make a fool out of you before you know it.
I take responsibility for her, but not for any damage she does to your pride or egos.
[ Filtered to the Residents of the Opera Abandonded ]
...We've got someone coming to stay here. I'm not sure how long she'll be remaining, but her friend Chrno was apparently here before and she's been looking for him. Rue, she may very well ask you some questions about him, just so you know that in advance. She's been wandering the streets for a few days now with no luck, so I offered to let her stay here. If there's any problems with that, let me know.
[ /Filter ]
[ Filtered to Ahiru ]
...I left a note for Rue and Mytho about tonight. I didn't want to face I couldn't find them, so I thought it'd be okay just to leave a note saying we were heading out for awhile. Uzura has actually been behaving and she's sleeping right now, so that's a good sign. I hope. Whenever you're ready, we can leave.
[ ooc: Strikes gone ]
[ /Filtered to Ahiru ]
[ Filtered to Hisoka ]
Alright. Is Tenten telling the truth or not? I know it's not your goddamn choice to feel things, but you had no reason to tell her anything. As far as I can tell, I haven't done anything to seriously piss you off, so what's the deal with leaking...things about me and someone else that certainly don't concern other people? I don't appreciate it. If you actually have a reason for this, why don't you tell me?
[ /Filtered to Hisoka ]
uzura antics