Don't bother reading the previous

Jun 17, 2005 01:02

Don't bother reading the previous post, it's mostly me getting my mind out in the open. I'm not intollerant, I believe that we are all entitled to our opinion. However, I am firmly resolved that there is but one truth in this life. Even if I may by the most hypocritical person around, I know what I believe, and I know why.

Moving on-

My soul is a shattered mirror
Upon a bleak and dark backdrop
Glimmering in the Ultimate Light
Each broken piece glimmering with brilliance
I piece them together one by one
Only to realize that the reflection
That slowly materializes
Is reflected in the world around me
This plane of existance
Is but a reflection of my soul
The problems and dismay
But cracks in my mirror
Glue me together
Let me shine with whole beauty
And I will raise up
And show you the meaning of life


PS After all my ramblings, I realize that I am probably not the most awake, nor the most knowledgable source of information. So I post the following link, for your own follow up, if you so wish, and have made private my last entry:
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