Story: Wayward Savior.
Rating: Currently T; will get up to M in later chapters.
Link: Duncan recruited both Horace Cousland and Renna Tabris to become Grey Wardens; however, Renna's Joining went wrong, and she is now fixated on romancing Loghain before all else. Horace's wife died fighting at Castle Cousland, and now he has to raise their daughter on his own. As Horace grows closer to Alistair and the others who travel with the last three Grey Wardens, Renna cannot reconcile her heroic fate with the fact that she really just wants Loghain to be right so that she can marry him. AU.
Eventual pairings: Alistair/M!Cousland, Branka/Hespith, Leliana/Morrigan, unrequited F!Tabris/Loghain, unrequited M!Cousland/Zevran (on Zev's part), unrequited M!Cousland/OMC, Flemeth/Wynne (long story on that one.)
I have not advertised this story proper before, primarily because it's currently three chapters of somewhat-humorous (according to a reviewer) prologue. Trust me, the story takes a darker tone at around chapter two. I don't particularly know if it'll be well-received in this community or not, but I wanted the story to get greater exposure. There is a bit of fleshing-out of the Cousland and Tabris families, and it isn't always canon-compliant.
Story: Casteless and Mage
Rating: Will end up T when it's written, then likely move to M in later chapters.
Premise of the story: In which Duncan recruits Brosca, Leske, and Amell as Grey Wardens; Amell comes with Duncan to Orzammar. The story revolves around the conflicts between the two Casteless as they struggle to adjust to their lives as Grey Wardens with Amell--who they are quite convinced is a useless ball and chain--and the romantic feelings the aforementioned Casteless are starting to develop for each other. AU.
Eventual pairings: M!Brosca/Leske, Branka/Hespith, Morrigan/F!Amell, very unrequited Zevran/M!Brosca. Morrigan/Leliana friendship.
The Brosca family in "Casteless and Mage" do have a non-canon appearance. If that jars anyone who might want to beta, please tell me.