In my continued effort to be totally and completely awesome, I've made a comic that tells a bit about the story of Camomile, my F!Cousland.
There... Will be fairly explicit Alistair x Camomile smut involved in this comic, and it will only be available on LiveJournal due to DA's completely fucking boring rules. GOSH, I GUESS THEY WANT ME TO ACTUALLY MAKE A STORY INSTEAD OF JUST SENSELESS BANGING. LOSERS.
I present to you the five completed-as-of-yet pages of "Maker's Tea."
For the DeviantArt-shy, if enough people request it I will be happy to upload the pictures to my LJ Scrapbook as well.
I have never before made a comic in my life. I figured I could just sort of draw some images in succession, crop and slap them on a page. 'DERP BUT THAT'S TOTALLY HOW THE PROS DO IT RITE U GUISE!?' Wrong.
So from page 2 and onwards I made a serious effort to actually make shit look good.
PAGE THE FIRSTPAGE THE SECONDPAGE THE THIRDPAGE THE FOURTHPAGE THE FIFTH I'm colouring up page VI as we speak, 'sgonna be epic for real you guys.
PS: X-Posted to dragonage
PPS: Can any awesome artist out there make me a little icon of Camomile that would look good as a DA avatar (50 x 50)? I am willing to pay REAL SOVEREIGNS (Okay British £) for it, or do an art trade.