Title: A Midwinter's Thaw, Chapter 77
pagerunner_j and the phenomenal doot-doo-doo-doo-doo…mahna mahna…doot-doo-doo-doo....
w0rdinistaCharacters: Alistair, Elinora Cousland, and a slowly-growing cast of thousands
Rating: T
Pairing: Cousland/Alistair
Summary: It's eight years after the Archdemon's defeat, eight years after Loghain's heroic death on the top of Fort Drakon, and eight years after Alistair stormed out of the Landsmeet, never to be seen again. It's five years since Elinora took up the mantle of teyrna of Highever after Fergus remarried and became King in the process. Now Alistair and Elinora are back together in Highever, with trouble brewing all around. The royal family has come to visit, three more Wardens are in attendance, and the Wardens' worrying dreams have returned, along with even greater troubles and tragedies. Now there's no more time to waste, and the final battle rages -- and they must take down Korath once and for all, whatever it takes….