For those of you who don't know, it's T-Day. Bioware has released it's first trailer for Dragon Age 2, entitled Destiny, and for those of you who haven't seen it, please run (don't walk) your fangirl/fanboy bottoms over to
Bioware official, and see it for yourselves. Unlike trailers for Origins, there does seem to be some spoilers for Hawke's past, as shown in brief flashes near the end of the trailer.
After you've seen it, come back here for your official discussion. As always, please keep the discussion in this thread, and not inundate the community with similar posts. Talk about trailer theories, first impressions, the Qunari redesign in action, and of course our new anti hero. If you'd like to update your current theories, please check out
Vehlr's Spoiler discussion post.
COMING SOON: Destiny Screenshot Dump