Fanfic - Desire

Nov 26, 2009 11:22

Title: Desire
Rating: T
Note: Companion story to Forbidden.
Another Note: I'm not certain where I'm going with this, honestly. I think it might be a one-shot, but I tentatively call it chapter one anyway. I think I'd like to write it as two stories, one from each character's POV, but that would be a lot of work. *laughs*
Read and review, give me some feedback. Would you like to see more to this story? From both sides, or should I just write from one?
Summary: Mages and Templars are forbidden to be with one another, and from first he saw of her, she disliked him. He wanted only to earn her trust, but when something else begins to blossom, he must make a choice. Faedra Amell and Alistair.

( Desire )

media: fic, character: amell/surana

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