Ello! New to the comm and currently drafting up some stories.
I've tried to play through without taking Alistair as the romance option, but really, he's just too cute, isn't he? Out comes the rose and all my good intentions to keep my PC!knickers on are EPIC FAILs.
After my first playthought, I decided to write fic, and lo, did I discover that others were much, much quicker than I with this brilliant idea, so instead I have been reading fic. A lot. Most of it. Pretty much anything I can get my hands on.
So then I read
this post by
darkrosetiger, and found out that the
Hardmode Big Bang was only 10,000 words, not 40,000 words like a lot of other big bangs...6 hours later I had a story outline for an Alistair/F!Cousland tale, and a woeful, woeful lack of any cannon knowledge outside of the playthough I did. As a Dalish Elf. Oops. So begins the half-hearted attempts at research.
I haven't found anything that tells me how Chantry records months. It's Ages and years, yes, found that, but not months. I was going to Make Up my own, since I couldn't find any, but wanted to ask the Swoopers, en mass, if I'm just failing to research it properly.
If there aren't any names etc for the months, I was going to use the lunar months, of which there are 13, rather that the solar calender (the normal 12 we use) and call them First Moon, Second Moon, etc. But then I got to Tenth Moon and thought oooo Templar Moon, and then Eleventh was just screamning to be Elven Moon, no? So what do people suggest? I'm thinking Templar Moon for the tenth, and Elven Moon for the eleventh, but what about the others? Anyone have any ideas?